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Safe and Welcoming Schools

We are keenly aware of a change in federal guidance regarding immigration enforcement on or near school campuses. It is important to be clear that this recent change in federal guidance does not override the fundamental constitutional rights of ALL students to receive an education in an environment that is safe, secure, and peaceful.

As a district, we will not allow immigration officials onto our campuses without a judicial warrant. Our schools are and will continue to be safe spaces for ALL students, regardless of their background or immigration status, and our schools will not engage in immigration enforcement.

We will take every necessary step to protect the rights of our students and their families. Rest assured, we will do everything in our power to ensure that students feel secure and supported in our classrooms. The safety, well-being, and rights of our students is our top priority.


Since November, our district has launched a Safe and Welcoming Schools Outreach and Resource Campaign to ensure our families know that the U.S. Supreme Court, as well as federal and state law, ensure the right for all students living in the United States to attend public schools. California law also affirms the rights of immigrant students, requiring all children to be enrolled in school and have the right to attend campuses that are safe, secure and peaceful. 
In the past several months, we have reminded families of these values and ensured that our families have access to resources that protect their rights. The district has:

  • Hosted parent webinars with partner organizations providing families with information about knowing their rights and resources to develop family preparedness plans
  • Distributed a Safe and Welcoming Schools Resource Packet, found here on our website, with essential resources including a directory of low-cost or free immigration support services
  • Hosted workshops at our Family Resource Centers on immigrant rights and resources to make it easier for families to access the help they need.
  • Reminded our staff, parents and students about our policies against hate and bias speech reminding our communities that the district considers the term “illegal” as hate and bias speech and the correct term to use is “undocumented”

Click here for a flyer which includes QR codes to the resources referenced here.
The district will continue our efforts to safeguard our families, providing regular updates and resources as they become available. Click here for our Safe and Welcoming Schools webpage and check back regularly for more information.
 In GGUSD, we are united in our efforts to provide a safe and welcoming education for all students and families. Please know that we care about ALL students and we are here for you! If you or your family have concerns about this topic, please connect with your school or one of our Family Resource Centers for additional support.